Intelligentsia Coffee Reveals Seasonal Shaken Drink to Wake You up This Summer - Twisted Alchemy

Intelligentsia Coffee Reveals Seasonal Shaken Drink to Wake You up This Summer

As the summer rolls around, you might switch up your standard morning coffee for a cold brew, an iced coffee, or even a refreshing iced tea. The baristas at Intelligentsia Coffee company are swapping out the milk frother this summer for a shaken coffee mocktail. This creation, called the Limelight, will help wake you up so you’re ready to take on the summer. With a refreshing kick from Twisted Alchemy cold-pressed lime juice and a splash of tonic bubbles, the Limelight is sure to be your new favorite caffeinated drink of the summer.

The founders of Intelligentsia Coffee found their beginnings in our own city of Chicago. They value craftsmanship, flavor, and changing the world one small corner at a time. We were excited to hear they wanted to use our award-winning cold-pressed lime juice to bring the seasonal Limelight to life this summer. Stop by one of their locations in Chicago, New York, Los Angeles, Austin, or Boston to try the zesty and refreshing Limelight!


Photo courtesy of Intelligentsia Coffee

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